Solving games

Suppose we have already defined a stochastic game and a homotopy of based on it (see section Choosing a homotopy), along the following lines:

import sgamesolver
game = sgamesolver.SGame.random_game(3, 3, 3, seed=123)
homotopy = sgamesolver.homotopy.LogTracing(game)

Then, solving the stochastic game requires two steps:

  1. Setting up the solver and finding a starting point.

  2. Starting the solver and letting it run until convergence is achived.

In code:


Ideally, the solver should converge without any further steps. If you happen to encounter a game that cannot be solved out of the box, see the section Troubleshooting for suggestions on how to proceed.


By default, the solver displays a little progress report such as

Start homotopy continuation
Step   140: t =  1.000 ↑, s =  328.1, ds =  1.840120
Step   140: Continuation successful. Total time elapsed: 0:00:01
End homotopy continuation
An equilibrium was found via homotopy continuation.

which corresponds to verbosity level 1.

The solver can be silenced by changing the verbosity level to 0. Likewise, the solver displays more detailed output for verbosity levels 2 and 3.

homotopy.solver.verbose = 0

Path plot

The solver can be asked to keep track of the path that it traverses. The path can then be plotted, illustrating the evolution of strategies.


The resulting Fig. 1 shows the evolution of strategies in path length \(s\) across states and players.

homotopy path in path length

Fig. 1 Homotopy path under logarithmic tracing homotopy: Strategies depending on path length \(s\).

One can clearly see that strategies start close to the centroid, i.e. close to uniform mixing across all available actions, and converge along the path.

For more information on how to use the solver, see section Interacting with the solver.