
Stochastic Game Solver, short: sGameSolver, is a python package to compute stationary or Markov perfect equilibria of stochastic games using the homotopy continuation method.

Further useful links:

  • Source code is hosted on GitHub.

  • Also on GitHub is an issue tracker for bug reports and feature requests.

  • Python package is hosted on PyPI.

sGameSolver is free and open source, under the MIT license. If you use the program for any published research, please cite Eibelshäuser/Poensgen (2019).


These docs are work in progress and currently under construction.


sGameSolver is hosted on PyPI, so installation is usually as simple as

pip install sgamesolver

For alternative ways of installation, see section Installation.


Solving a stochastic game is done in three steps:

  1. Define a game.

  2. Pick a homotopy function.

  3. Set up and run the solver.

import sgamesolver
game = sgamesolver.SGame.random_game(64, 2, 4, seed=42)
homotopy = sgamesolver.homotopy.QRE(game)

A quick rundown of these steps:

1. Set up a stochastic game

game = sgamesolver.SGame.random_game(64, 2, 4, seed=42)

Stochastic games are represented by the class SGame. For this quick example, we are using the method random_game() to randomize a game with 64 states, 2 players, and 4 actions per player and state. (Setting a seed just makes the result reproducible.)

Of course, you probably didn’t come here to solve a random game, but have a specific game in mind. Section Defining games contains instructions and examples on how to create an SGame which represents the stochastic game you want to solve. (By the way, sGameSolver can also solve normal form games, sequential games, repeated games, and also finite Markov decision problems – each of these is just a simple case of a stochastic game.)

2. Select and set up a homotopy function for your game

homotopy = sgamesolver.homotopy.QRE(game)

sGameSolver uses the homotopy method to solve stochastic games, a general technique to solve systems of non-linear equations. In short, the idea is as follows: Instead of solving some very hard problem directly (in our case: finding an equilibrium), a continuous transformation is applied to the system, yielding a related, but much simpler problem, for which one can easily obtain a solution. This transformation is then gradually reversed while tracking the solution, until arriving at a solution for the original problem - here, the desired stationary equilibrium. (You can find more background in section Homotopy continuation - although such knowledge is not necessary for using the program.)

The (mathematical) function used for this transformation is called homotopy function. In general, there are many possibilities to construct a suitable one. sGameSolver currently includes two:

  1. Quantal response equilibrium (QRE)

  2. Logarithmic tracing procedure

The one we picked for this example, sgamesolver.homotopy.QRE(), is based on an extension of quantal response equilibrium to stochastic games (Eibelshäuser/Poensgen 2019b). Some details can be found in the section Quantal response equilibrium (QRE). The other, sgamesolver.homotopy.LogTracing(), implements the logarithmic tracing procedure for stochastic games (Eibelshäuser/Klockmann/Poensgen/von Schenk 2022), also see the section Logarithmic tracing procedure.

Which homotopy to pick? In our experience, QRE is more robust while LogTracing has the advantage that it allows to search for multiple equilibria.

More homotopy functions are to come!

In any case, please make sure to cite the paper that introduces whichever homotopy you end up using.

3. Let the homotopy solver do its job

Finally, we will set up the solver and start it:


Then it’s time to lean back and watch for a bit:

Start homotopy continuation
Step    37: t =  3.612 ↑, s =  20.47, ds =  3.418

… until …

Step   247: t = 1.147e+04 ↑, s = 9.385e+04, ds =  1000.
Step   247: Continuation successful. Total time elapsed: 0:00:15
End homotopy continuation
An equilibrium was found via homotopy continuation.

… success!

Ideally, the solver will be able to find a solution without requiring any further interaction, as in this example. In cases where this does not work out, check out the section Troubleshooting.

4. Aftermath

We can now display the solution:


which outputs equilibrium strategies and values for all 64 states:

+++++++++ state00 +++++++++
                         a0    a1    a2    a3
player0 : v=15.09, σ=[1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000]
player1 : v=15.63, σ=[0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000]
+++++++++ state01 +++++++++
                         a0    a1    a2    a3
player0 : v=14.76, σ=[0.000 0.961 0.000 0.039]
player1 : v=15.61, σ=[0.354 0.000 0.000 0.646]
+++++++++ state02 +++++++++
                         a0    a1    a2    a3
player0 : v=14.84, σ=[1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000]
player1 : v=15.61, σ=[0.000 0.000 1.000 0.000]

... (abridged here for brevity) ...

+++++++++ state63 +++++++++
                         a0    a1    a2    a3
player0 : v=14.92, σ=[0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000]
player1 : v=15.75, σ=[1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000]

Of course, you now also can access equilibrium strategies (and values) as NumPy arrays and use them for further calculations or simulations.

eq_strat = homotopy.equilibrium.strategies
eq_values = homotopy.equilibrium.values

Next Steps

Get started with the Installation or immediately proceed to the Tutorial.

For details on the underlying game-theoretic concepts, check out the Theory section.